Selamat Hari Merdeka!
It is that time of the year again where we celebrate Malaysia's independence, and just marvel how at how far our beloved country has come along in 62 years and counting!
31st August may well be just another public holiday to chill and relax, but what exactly does Merdeka mean to you? For me personally, it charts my progress as a Malaysian. It's not just continuously doing my part to help build this nation as a citizen, but also constantly charting my personal growth as a fellow human being.

There are many ways we can contribute to society and country. One way is by keeping yourself healthy and being able to take part economically and socially. Excelling in your work or business is great. Being able to be more kind to others is even better. Which is why this Merdeka, we can all set new intentions and break free from the constraints that hold us back from being the best version of ourselves.
If your health is not in the pink, change your diet and workout. If you find yourself being rather rude and abrupt to others, take a step back and asess your internal feeling and state of mind. If work or work space no longer brings joy, detach yourself and evaluate your option. When family matters gets too much, prioritise your commitment and block unwarranted distractions.
And when you're being your best self, you will be more open minded and compassionate to your surrounding. You will no longer wallow in dark thoughts and self pity. Instead you will find yourself empowered and empathetic to others. And that is how you start helping other people, by first and foremost helping yourself.
Truth of the matter is, no matter what bad shape or state you're in, there are always others who are more unfortunate. Only gratitude for what you already have and self care of your mental and physical being, can get you functioning again. And when we start giving back, we can only hope what we offer is the best, for the best.

In my own way, I too had hoped to contribute by sharing Avenys with you. Skincare and beauty has long been my passion, and I have always dreamt of helping those suffering from skin conditions. Locally made and certified safe, our range of products is meant to bring relief and address skin issues for the long term.
As our tagline is "beauty without makeup", we aim to deliver you the best skincare for you to achieve it. And hopefully you will make Avenys part of your journey for selfcare, to become the the best version of yourself.
tags: #beautywithoutmakeup #dangerouslyeffective #avenys #skincare
#merdeka #peace #healthy